For this brief, we were asked to create a brand of drink and then from this create a new brief and answer it ourselves via a campaign.
We found a gap in the market for vegan milkshakes where they aren't health oriented. Just because you may choose not to eat dairy and meat, does not mean that you don't want a treat! Therefore, introducing Full Far Vegan Co. 
Our packaging is displayed as a fridge as we wanted to portray our brand as an 'all natural temptation', which a fridge often is the gateway to.
Some mock-ups of our milkshakes!
Our brief.
To kick off the campaign, OOH ads will appear on bus stops, streets and tube escalators to capture the attention of the passer-by.
Next, 48 Sheets will futher this message.
...Followed by a guerrilla stunt. ‘All natural temptation’ is linked to nature and protecting its beauty. By introducing these Full Fat Vegan Co  bins, these tie in with both preserving the natural beauty of our world and also the underlying temptation to indulge. Once you put rubbish in these bins, the fridge will open and you can reward yourself with a mini sized Full Fat Vegan Co milkshake.
Direct mail will be sent through doors containing a voucher inside

When deciding on which type of drink to create a brand and campaign for, we looked into what there was a gap in the market for; and that is vegan milkshakes. Often, the stereotypes linked with veganism is very health, cauliflower-based pizza, environmentalist/ eco-warrior related. We want to eliminate the label that vegans have to be healthy by introducing Full Fat Vegan Co milkshakes, which are precisely what it says on the tin: full fat. After extensive research into the rise of veganism and the foods in which are labelled vegan in supermarkets, we discovered that there is a definite gap in the market for these types of drinks.
The target market we envisioned for Full Fat Vegan Co is millennials and Generation Z, between the ages of fifteen and thirty. Consumers will be both male and female, with day to day priorities which include living a dairy free/ vegan lifestyle, however, does not want to be considered a stereotypical vegan, as after broad research showed us that the idea of veganism is linked to health consciousness and organic, fat free ideals. Full Fat Vegan Co is all about diminishing these stereotypes and allowing vegan/ dairy free consumers to have a full fat milkshake just like non-vegan dairy consumers, without the feeling of missing out.
With the strapline ‘All natural temptation’ we’re driving home the idea of the indulgence yet completely natural ingredients with no animal products in. It helps further the message that we are not a health product, and people should indulge our milkshake and be proud of it.
The ad campaign takes our message of  ‘All natural temptation’ to a new level. Starting with OOH adverts, we advertise the tempting nature of the product with cleverly placed ads in Tube stations, bus stops and on the road side. This adds a bite to the Full Fat Vegan Co brand, allowing it to seem slightly alternative and different; not the typical vegan iconography.
The idea with the guerilla advertising is to tie in the parts of the stereotypes of veganism that we would not like to diminish, for example the nature side. ‘All natural temptation’ backs the idea that Full Fat Vegan Co is all about nature and preserving its beauty. So therefore, by replacing some park bins with life-sized versions of our milkshakes, we can get back to the wonderful landscape around us, cleaning up our planet with a rewarding outcome. Often, it helps for there to be a motive for consumers, and this is the perfect motivation as it cleans up our planet and rewards our customers at the same time. 
However, Full Fat Vegan Co is different, slightly outlandish. The impression we want to give off is that we have an edge. So by sending postcards through letterboxes with a collectors guide and a mystery to solve, this tempts the consumer to want to find out more, whilst also giving Full Fat Vegan Co the edge it deserves. This mystery is exciting and leads to one final prize for those who figure it out, however one can only do so through collecting more of our milkshakes. This also allows the advertising to move to socials and earned media through excitement.
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